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A CONF file tells PMT what to do, where to do it, and any arguments to pass to the underlying goals. A CONF file is a python file that imports from py_mono_tools.

Example CONF file that uses the default python linters:

#!/user/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pathlib

from py_mono_tools.goals.linters import DEFAULT_PYTHON

path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent

NAME = "Example"
BACKEND = "system"

LINT = [
TEST = []

Example CONF file that specifies 3 python linters, and adds arguments:

#!/user/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pathlib

from py_mono_tools.goals.linters import Black, Flake8, Mypy

path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent

NAME = "Example"
BACKEND = "system"

LINT = [
    Flake8(args=["--ignore=E203", "--ignore=W503"]),
TEST = []

Specify CONF file

PMT runs from CONF files. There are 4 ways to specify which CONF file PMT should use.

Current directory

pmt ...

Runs PMT in the current directory.

Relative path

pmt -rp <relative_path> ...

Relative path allows you to run PMT from any directory and have it execute in a sub/parent directory.

Absolute path

pmt -ap <absolute_path> ...

Absolute Path. The user running PMT must have read/write access to the directory specified by the absolute path.

CONF file name

pmt -n <NAME_in_CONF_file> ...

The -n takes the NAME = "<name>" variable specified in the CONF file. PMT searches for CONF file names ONLY when the -n flag is used.

NOTE: ONLY the current and child directories will be searched for CONF file NAMEs!

Required Variables

There are 4 required variables in a CONF file. These can be left as a default value (as seen below), and nothing will be run.

NAME = ""
LINT: list[type(Linter)] = []
TEST = []

pmt -n <NAME> lint -s black

NAME tells PMT what CONF file to run if you execute PMT using a name.


pmt lint

The LINT variable is a list of goals that inherit from the py_mono_tools.goals.interface.Linter class.


Optional Variables

PATH = ""


The PMT backend is what takes the goal and runs it. The backend could be the local system or Docker.

The Backend defaults to system. It can be set using the pmt --backend flag, or BACKEND = "<system,docker>" in a CONF file.



A linter is a class that inherits from py_mono_tools.goals.interface.Linter ABC. Linters can do many things. Check formatting (black), check for unused imports (flake8), check for type hints (mypy), etc. Some linters may change the code (black), while others just check for errors (flake8). Passing the --check flag will force all inters to only check, and not change anything.

Please see the CLI Reference section for more details.